Create a Clean, Comfortable Retreat
A stay with comforting, soothing bathroom amenities makes your vacation rental a refuge for tired guests. Inhaven can help, with bathroom amenities guests love at prices hosts can afford. Soft bath linens and robes, countertop accessories and soothing skincare products will be there to welcome your guests in no time.
Inhaven’s Promise: Care and Quality
We’ve partnered with brands known for elevating bath supplies, bathroom accessories and personal care products to an art. Our Insiders can share that luxury with every guest while earning loyalty points toward future purchases
Every Room, Curated for You
When it comes to perfecting hospitality, bathroom supplies can make all the difference. And leaving off the details can downgrade guests’ experience. Inhaven created shoppable bathroom checklists, so you can find exactly what you need for each bathroom in your vacation rental. No matter your style, or what’s on your wish list, Inhaven has the bath amenities you and your guests are looking for.
Have questions? Contact us today for help with your order.